Project Scenario

The Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad (CASA), a foreign study partnership of some of the world’s most respected research universities, came to us with a website featuring its programs that was difficult to manage across its many worldwide offices. The goal was to create a new responsive website that could be easily managed by many users, each responsible for their own content. Permissions for users would need to be managed and the CMS would need to be easy to use. We recommended a CMS called Grav. Grav had all the features required by the CASA team.

The Result

Working with CASA, we mapped out a plan. Because Grav allowed the creation of a custom theme, we were able to work with the team at CASA to create a design that was both compelling to prospective students, and satisfied all the partners within the group. We worked hand-in-hand with the CASA team to train the users on how to use the system and to date the CASA team is managing their site without issue. Grav CMS’s simple admin and flexibility made building this site a pleasure.

Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad
Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad
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